Your 2021 Durham Candidates!

Board of Education (Position Statement)
Christine Geraci
Has served on the RSD13 Board of Education for 4 years including treasurer for the past 3 years
Has 16 years of financial and accounting experience, in the for-profit and non-profit sectors
Currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer of one of the largest non-profits in CT
Parent of twins enrolled in RSD13
Strong advocate for students with a focus on the special education community
Norm Hicks
Has served on the RSD13 Board of Education for 24 years
Current Board Chairman at ACES (Area Cooperative Education Services),
nine-year member of Board of Governors -
Retired public school teacher with 38 years experience in East Hampton and Guilford
Current member of the executive committee at the Durham Fair Association, member of Durham Senior Board
Lifelong resident of Durham, graduated from Durham High School
Bob Moore
Has served on the RSD13 Board of Education for 6 years including chairman for the past 5 years
Greater than 40 years of management experience in public and private sector in the field of
environmental engineering as well as agency management -
Has worked with RSD13 administration and community to maintain a school budget that maintains
high quality education with a net decrease in school budget over the past 3 years -
Long time resident of Durham with 3 children and 10 grandchildren that have attended RSD13
schools: 6 Grandchildren are currently attending schools in district -
Has maintained outstanding advocacy for RSD13 staff & students throughout a series of challenges to education
Andrew Taylor
Parent of 4 kids in the district
Has served on the RSD13 Board of Education for 5 years
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Biostatistics at Yale University
Strong advocate for personalized learning and creating a culture of
high academic achievement while minimizing costs -
Experience in grant-writing, managing large teams, data science, and cost-effectiveness assessments.
Planning and Zoning Board
Janet Morganti
Janet and her husband, Chris, have been residents of Durham for 37 years with 2
sons that have gone through RSD13 -
Holds a BS in Criminal Justice from The University of New Haven and is a graduate of Stone Academy
Former business owner of a luncheonette in Wallingford and artisans’ consignment shop in Durham
Employed as an accounting/administrative assistant for Joseph A. Miranda CPA, LLC
Served as a member of the Durham Economic Development Commission
for over 6 years including 4 years as chair. -
Will carefully evaluate all the facts, concerns and opinions when making important
decisions that impact our town’s residents.
Jacob Mattison
12 year resident of Durham
Co-owner of Small Woods Farm in Durham, featuring registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats
Senior Engineering Manager at Technolutions, a New Haven-based software company
20 year career in software engineering and process automation
Two sons, one in RD13, on graduated from RSD13
Christopher Balay
Chris and Suzy Balay have been residents of Durham for 20 years. They have put 2 daughters through RSD13
Holds a BA from Southern Connecticut State University
Has been the Director of I.T. for PEZ Candy Inc. in Orange CT for 22 years.
Has served as a member of the Planning and Zoning Board for three years
Is a founding member and current treasurer of Paperhouse Productions a local children’s theatre company.
Is currently the treasurer of the Durham Fair Foundation and assistant treasurer of the Durham Fair Association.
A strong advocate for agriculture in the Town of Durham. Currently has alpacas, chickens and guinea fowl.
• First contact with the P & Z regulation in Durham was to check on the rules surrounding the keeping of animals
on residential property. What he found was a primary reason he moved to Durham.
Josh Eddinger
4-year member of the Durham Planning and Zoning Commission, last 2 years as Commission Secretary
Small Agricultural Business Owner
20+ years of Planning and Zoning experience as a small business applicant and land developer
Advanced Training in Physics and Engineering
Board of Finance
Eileen Buckheit
Served on the RSD 13 Board of Education for one term 2012-2015
Board of Directors for Connecticut Valley Education Fund 2015-2018
Durham Women's Club - 2002-2019. President for 4 years
Currently on the Infrastructure Committee
Worked in various CT municipalities focusing on economic development for 24 years
Molly Nolan
A thirty year resident of Durham
An active member of the Durham Democratic Women’s Club and the Durham Democratic Town Committee
Spent many years in food service industry running gourmet shops and catering concerns.
For the last 12 years she has served as the Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden, Mattatuck UU Society and now at First Parish in Milton, MA.
Joined the Board of Finance in 2012 with the commitment to balance our needs and values while keeping the mil rate as low as possible.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Maya Liss
Current Alternate on Zoning Board of Appeals
Durham resident for 19 years
Community volunteer, including, JLPA, Durham Public Library Board of Trustees, Odyssey of the Mind
Former attorney, interest in land use
Yoga instructor, enthusiastic about helping people develop practices to reduce stress and cultivate connection